2005 House Bill 4142

Senate Roll Call 156: Passed

To require that student testing companies or organizations contracted to administer the statewide student assessment test (the MEAP or its successor) meet certain deadlines; meet certain capability standards specified in the bill; meet federal test standard mandates; and provide an individual report for each student that will identify students who have met or failed the expectations for each question, so that problems can be remedied, or excellence advanced. Also, to require testing in in at least two elementary and middle school grade levels, rather than just "two grades." Note: In 2007 high school juniors will begin taking a separate "Michigan Merit Examination," which will include a nationally recognized test like the ACT.

38 Yeas / 0 Nays
Republican (22 Yeas / 0 Nays)
Democrat (16 Yeas / 0 Nays)