Rep. MaryAnn Middaugh (R-80, 2004)


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  • 2003-2004

2004 House Bill 6245 / Public Act 444

Define “rural hospital”

2004 House Bill 5985

Revise jury duty exemptionsw and juror payments

  • Introduced on June 9, 2004

2004 House Bill 5984

Authorize tax breaks for certain charitable housing

  • Introduced on June 9, 2004
  • Offered on June 1, 2004
  • Adopted in the House on June 30, 2004

2004 House Bill 5803

Regulate credit score use by insurance companies

  • Introduced on April 22, 2004

2004 House Bill 5680

Revise lawsuit garnishment rules

  • Introduced on March 23, 2004
  • Passed 101 to 2 in the House on June 30, 2004
  • Introduced on Oct. 8, 2003